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Friday, May 11, 2012

The Call

I received a call today.
I tried to hold every piece of me
Everything seem awfully fragile
I shared my tears with just a pillow

I received a call today,
Telling things I hope all lies
I seek God to share to him
I asked for none
But a piece of mind

I received a call today
My heart bust to tears
I t can't denied
Still, I tried to hold it up.
Silence won, I lost the voice
Nothing left
But a disgrace

Emelda Shabelle

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Oh! Darling.......

Hi Darls.......

We went back to Penampang last week. Since our main objective was to meet our little starring, we actually spend most of our time eating and sleeping... So, when my sister told us that she wants to sing some songs for fun (she was inspired by our first "Project Tengah Malam"), we spontaneously say 'YES' and actually forgot that we don't have any 'gear' to start with our project. 


We did it!!! Everything was so spontaneous and unplanned but all of use had FUN. If I'm not mistaken, the last time I went for jamming was in 1995!!! 

My sister and I did voice recording and credit to my partner in crimes for becoming our guitarist that night.


Taaaa daaaaaaaaa... This is my 'Projek Tengah Malam 2.0'. Happy listening..... 

P/S: Stay tune for my sister, LC cover version of 'Luha'....

Emelda Shabelle